BP&Associati al prestigioso congresso IR Global a Dubai
Quest’anno, BP&Associati ha avuto il privilegio di partecipare al prestigioso congresso IR Global tenutosi a Dubai. Situata come un centro iper-connesso e favorevole agli affari,
Finance and Business Consulting
The company BP&A finance and business consulting, represents a primary player in the corporate finance as well as tax and legal consultancy, thanks to its expertise and network of professionals.
Our financial and legal consultancy activities have a specific focus and emphasis on Small and Medium Entities, which represent the vital part of both domestic and international economies.
We are part of an international network of financial professionals, which include Investments Funds and Private Equity Companies, and strive to support growth and internationalization of our Clients.
The organization of our company and the activity of our professionals adhere to a precise etic code, developed during the years by following consolidated quality procedures aimed at meeting privacy requirements, based also on current legal and professional standards. The combination of our skills allows our company to understand and deeply analize the needs of our clients; our multidisciplinary approach helps us offer a value-added service to our customers.
The deep knoledge of different subjects and business areas allows us to formulate efficient and effecxtive solutions, in order to provide our clients with specialized high quality service.
All our professional cooperate in sinergy to offer a multidisciplinary consulting service, by sharing the objective of creating benefits for the customers.
Every team is coordinated by experienced partner, who guides and supervises the activity of all collaborators.
Our activities focus on the following fields:
Among these aspects is also listing, which is why since 2013 the study has been an Equity Markets partner of the Italian Stock Exchange, subsequently becoming a Partner of the Elite Network of the Euronext Group. The role that the study assumes through its professionals is that of a financial advisor, a crucial link between all the consultants involved in a potential listing operation and the company with its management.
You can find the list of 40 Advisor Partners of the Elite Network of the Italian Stock Exchange at the following link: https://www.elite-network.com/it/partners/our-partners.
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Quest’anno, BP&Associati ha avuto il privilegio di partecipare al prestigioso congresso IR Global tenutosi a Dubai. Situata come un centro iper-connesso e favorevole agli affari,
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